Just in the nick of time to arm the mighty Hetzenberg Flotilla in the upcoming proxy skirmish. I received 8 ships cannon (about $10.00 USD for 4) from Crusader Miniatures UK today in the post and I'm mighty pleased to report that they were painted up in an hour and are ready to go for tomorrow's battle..Huzza!! (Many thanks to Christine at Crusader for getting things off to me from England in such short order)
These guns will be mounted on three gunboats of the flotilla and will be crewed by my RSM 25mm Bleiherzen artillerymen who will stand in as Hetzenberg naval gun crews for the battle.

Crusader Miniatures ships cannon and an RSM artilleryman in waistcoat...Perfect!!...on to the battle!
Very nice ships guns, sir.
-- Jeff
Yar! Avast! Belay! And other Nautical Jargon! Just be sure to have your barnicals scrapped, before shivering your timbers! Yar!
Rum Jim-lad! Rum 'til I float! Weigh anchor!
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