Today I found a bit of time to set up a small 18th century action between my two ImagiNations after having been inspired by and having ordered my first unit from
Spencer Smith Miniatures to add to my 18th century collection. I figured that every true "Old School" collection should have some Spencer Smiths included, and I was especially inspired by the pics over at
Nyudrev Chronicles of some nice units of classic Spencer Smiths to get the ball rolling...
After having a few games with newer rules like Black Powder, I thought it would be fun to get back to basics with a game using
"The Wargame". In addition, I ordered
"Charge" from
On Mililtary Matters and the rules came within 2 days! ...so I'm primed for more development of my 18th century stuff!
The battle today was based on the historic engagement at Gostyn (1761) between a Prussian brigade and a Russian defense of a supply depot. I used the map from the indispensable
"Project SYW" for the table set-up, and the scenario was recast as an attack by the Konigreich der Bleiherzen on a Grand Duchy of Grolstein supply depot. It followed that the Grolsteiners had retreated to regroup after their loss at the
Battle of Vier Arme and the pursuing Bleiherzeners here threaten to capture a rear area depot.
The battle began with the Grolsteiners deploying as the Beliherzen forces arrive on the table. The historic battle saw a Russian (played here by Grolstein) brigade guarding a fortified supply depot situated next to a monastery outside the town of Gostyn. The main infantry force of Bleiherzeners arrives and deploys to the attack and 3 turns later their cavalry brigade arrives to flank the Grolstein infantry line.

Bleiherzen cavalry brigade

Grolstein cavalry deploys to counter...

the Grolstein supply depot, fortified with an infantry battalion and 2 guns

The main Grolstein infantry positions in front of the depot and the adjacent monastery held by a detachment of Croats.

The Bleiherzen attack begins with a blast of canister from advancing guns. (it's always fun to break out my homemade canister cone)
Grolstein Musketeer Regiment Jahde lets loose a volley at long range...dropping a few oncoming grenadiers

The Bleiherzen cavalry makes a flanking move

The Bleiherzen attack develops...

Colonel Gerlach's jagers assault the monastery...

The Grand Duchess' Liebguard fights to redeem their reputation after their poor performance in the last battle. (...my beautiful new Minden minis finally give a good account of themselves!)

Melee in the monastery...and Colonel Gerlach is again wounded in the fight...he is seemingly made of cast iron...having been wounded in three of the last four battles...but always comes back to fight again!

A composite battalion of Bleiherzen grenadiers bears down on the Grolstein infantry line.

A large cavalry melee erupts as Grolstein dragoons and uhlanen resist the flanking attack of the Bleiherzeners

The Grand Duchess' Leibguard is severely tested by a strong flanking assault of grenadiers...
to be continued...