After a hard cavalry fight and defeating Sir Horatio Cary's Royalist horse, Essex leads his horse around the Cavalier left flank.
The infantry battle in the hedges grows hot...
each side brings up more foot...the Roundhead gun posted in the redoubt fires with little effect on the foot advancing under the cover of the enclosures...
The musketry is fierce...
...but in the end, Parliament's foot holds firm and the Royalist line crumbles...Okey's Dragoons cross the hedge giving a last volley at the fleeing Cavaliers...
in the final minutes of the fight, Essex leads his cavalry to ravage the Royalist baggage...and recaptures some of his recently lost powder barrels... the surviving Royalist foot are forced to swim the stream and many are lost in its swift waters. The Prince escapes with a loyal body of horse and a few remaining infantry to regroup and fight another day.
Excellent battle report! I really like the great pics with running commentary.
Agreed . . . but the wrong side won.
-- Jeff
A bridge too far for Prince Rupert ! Drat those Parliamentarians.
Nice game and battle report.
-- Allan
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