Saturday, March 5, 2011


 After reading a number of your blogs out there, I was inspired tonight (11 PM to be exact...) to get out of bed and start finishing up a unit of Freikorps for my Konigriech der Bleiherzen army that has been waiting for my attention for a long while.

This unit is based on the historical von Kleist Freikorps that served with distinction in Fredrick's army. For my imagiNation, I just have added white cuffs and a different flag (using the famed "beer hops" device so beloved in the Konigreich)...The mounted castings are RSM (von Kleist dragoons) and I painted up some RSM foot jagers as well and hopefully in the near future I can add a light gun.

 My collection has a lot of light/jager/croat units...probably much out of proportion to a historical army of the time, but I just enjoy painting these guys and they are a fun break from painting musketeers. The base color in these pics was still drying and the shine still shows...I normally coat my finished figures with Krylon Triple Thick Glaze spray for a shiny finish and then paint the bases and leave them a matte finish to match my table.

The marvelous SYW Project site (which I might mention I support with my financial contributions as well....) has Kliest's officers in tricorn, so I used that reference as an excuse to dig out some of my extra RSM command figures and press them into service.

The foot jagers are still to be finished, but I'm on a roll inspired by so many great gaming blogs out there! ...and to be frank, today was one of those days where nothing on the home front seemed to be going right, and just a moment of late night escape into the wondrous and noble world of miniatures has turned a rough day into a pretty good one....HUZZA!

Stay tuned for more pictures of these guys when they appear in my next battle which is shaping up to be a classic "raid on the Duchess' coach" scenario derived from C. Grant's "The Wagon Train" which will feature my coach-and-four from Eureka minis that I finished about a year ago and have not yet had a chance to use it in a game. I'm planning to break out all of my light troops and cavalry for that one!

(...and thanks to everyone for reading...apparently I have had 24,000+...!?... visits to my blog...all of you are much, much appreciated!)


PaintPig said...

Wonderful work ol' boy. Spiffingly good show and lovely and shiny, jut the way the chaps like it.


DeanM said...

They look great as a unit; like they were meant to be. Regards, Dean

Bluebear Jeff said...

I concur with the previous (obviously perceptive) comments. Lovely work, sir.

-- Jeff

James said...

Nice unit. Single basing. Lots of jaegers/pandours/freikorps...

Looks like lots of skirmishing between outposts and raids on depots too me! Good stuff.

You have an 'excuse' to make a field bakery and have the pandours/freikorps attack it!

WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Very pretty troops there!

Best Regards,


James Brewerton said...

Great looking units, I have a bit of a SYW project on the go myself but is hush hush.
Great blog which is inspiring my
Peace James