Just a few images this post to let everyone see what I'm up to these last couple of weeks...
I finished 2 ECW artillery guns and crews and here they are on the table.
I had a "winter review" of my 7YW Prussians on the "Speistitschtraße" (the dining table...) to parade my just finished Kurassier Regiment 2 with the rest of the army and just to get myself in the mood to do some more painting...and some thinking on my fictitious nations).
And finally I've been toying with names, personalities and flags for my new nations...
Below is a preliminary idea for a typical Liebfannen of the infantry regiments of the Königreich der Bleiherzen (or, The Kingdom of Lead Hearts)
or known by its people as Bleiherzland. I'm still lacking a motto but perhaps our agents in MonteCristo can help with that.
Below is a preliminary idea for a typical Liebfannen of the infantry regiments of the Königreich der Bleiherzen (or, The Kingdom of Lead Hearts)
or known by its people as Bleiherzland. I'm still lacking a motto but perhaps our agents in MonteCristo can help with that.

The Bleiherzlanders are folk to whom hunting, woodsmanship, and winemaking are high on the list of life's pleasures and only of late have been swept up in the turmoil of the Seven Years War recently declaring an alliance with Prussia. The formidable Duchess of Grolstein, herself a willing participant in Maria Teresa's vendetta against Frederick's Prussia has of late turned her agressive attentions on Bleiherzland if not to prove her mettle against a weaker ally of Prussia then certainly to conquer a country of seasoned young men who (being in general superb marksmen), might well serve to build up her armies for further adventures in support of the Austrians.
Since the Bleiherzland armies are as yet so small, astute correspondents expect the Bleiherzlanders to initially rely on the newest kleinkrieg methods of warfare (one of their finest young officers, a certain Goetzpeter Gerlach, recently survived a battle in America as an observer on the staff of that unfortunate Englishman, General Braddock) to take full advantage of the more forested countryside of their beloved country.
Excellent painting! Your ECW lads seem to capture the look of the period well. As do the SYW troops.
Cool flag, too. (just fon't let anyone confuse Bleiherzland with Vile Stagonia! lol)
Sounds like things are developing well there!
First, your photos of both periods are inspiring. Very nicely painted figures.
Next, that's a nice introduction to your imagi-nations . . . and a good set-up for their conflict.
Keep it up.
-- Jeff
Welcome to little group of fellow gamers. Except flag, a true banner of honor. Reich Duke Wilhelm will be monitoring events. Best regards...Bill
Great examples of your painting. Aren't the RSM95 figures wonderful? Your cuirassiers look especially appealing. I've got my own batch of 30 that I hope to get to in January, or early February.
Best Regards,
Stokes Schwartz
Yes those RSMs are really great figures. I'm working on 2 squadrons of cuirassiers (24 figs) for the Duchess as we speak...ETA this week!
Thanks for the inspiring comments!
ECW guns are really great - nice painting, they look good deployed with the rest of your troops.
-- Allan
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