This past weekend was a really productive one here at the Lead Gardens. I cast up two new units of Prince August figures as well as built and completed a baggage wagon, plus the Irish "mercs" are almost done! (...and finished some long waited for 25mm figures for a good friend...Capt. Bill, they are out the door on Monday!)
The wagon turned out pretty well but next time I'm going to try not to make the tarp cover so "wrinkly". I found it hard to get the glue soaked tissue to look right but done is done...
I think next time I'll take the great suggestions from Mark and "Archduke Piccolo" of both making the wagons two wheelers and to perhaps use Lego wheels as per "tidders" suggestion last post. I think the idea of painting up one wagon for each infantry regiment I paint is a good way be disciplined and build the baggage trains a little at a time.
...and a late evening update:
And as of 7pm Sunday the supply wagon now has a proper escort by way of a company of Irish mercenaries in French service...This unit represents the historical Regiment Bukeley commanded by a Colonel of the same name. i chose to model this unit because of the green facings...I thought pretty cool against a red coat!
Next Up: a "defend the supply wagon" scenario...