Saturday, July 2, 2011


Gamer QUIZ
This picture is either:

A)  ... the remains of a quaint Dutch village circa 1944 after a particularly severe bombardment
B)  ... the unfortunate downside of paper buildings

I think I'll coin a new adage... Never, ever, turn your back on a two year old...!


Fitz-Badger said...

That's always good advice

A J said...

No, NEVER turn your back on a 2-y-o! They have an infinite capacity for mischief and mayhem. But think on this - in another 11 years, he or she will be a teenager... =O

Anonymous said...


Rodger said...

Real shame.

Mosstrooper said...

Oh dear the downside of card buildings !

Beccas said...

I'll add in another "nooooooooo"

James said...

Ouch. But at least they weren't more expensive resin buildings!