Men of Konggrattz face off with the Grand Duchess' finest...with some French mercenaries fielded by some fellow named Du Grassin in the right foreground skirmishing with Col. Gelach's valiant jagers...
My interest in my 18th century ImagiNations continues with another battle using "Black Powder" rules. I'm still really enjoying the rules and learning the nuances of the system..(there is some real subtlety beneath the simple mechanics)...and it has really fired up my painting. I was able to "repurpose and repaint" several battalions of Prussians and Austrians to now be in the permanent service of The Grand Duchy of Grolstein and the Koniggratz der Bleiherzen. I'm hoping to parade both armies in their glory next week and post some pics of each.
And to make the game even sweeter...I just got my first battalion of Minden Miniatures in the mail!!! Beautiful castings and perfectly compatible with the bulk of my forces which are RSM castings. They are Hanoverian castings that will be painted to serve in the Grand Duchess' army as a premier unit of solid musketeers hailing from the Grand Duchess' home town. Here are a couple of pics of the raw castings. Service from Frank at Minden was nothing short of fantastic, and he was kind enough to toss in a drummer figure since I had forgotten to order one for the unit. Now that's a true wargamer!